Since 2017, many countries through the words have been touched by this program enabling a lot of farmers and students to be an asset for the health, nutrition, and the environment in the future. So far, the Safe Use Ambassador (SUA) program for the agricultural and medical sector (agricultural and medical students, agronomists, and rural medical practitioners) reached more than 50 universities in over 15 countries, through which more than 11,200 students were trained as certified Bayer Safe Use Ambassadors to date. These Ambassadors have in turn trained thousands of growers during their farm visits and internships. The Safe Use Ambassador program especially targets countries with no or little legal regulations on the use and application of pesticides. These are primarily countries from the Global South. Program partners (ever-increasing) include agriculture scientists, government extension workers, national agriculture authorities, and SMART growers.
SUA is one of our sustainability values, strategy and operations to reduce environmental impact of Bayer’s crop protection products. This was presented during the recent SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) AFRICA CONFERENCE in Ghana (8th – 11th) in front of massive audience from universities of Africa conquered by the program.