Bayer Cares for Communities

Bayer’s public interest investments show our commitment towards impactful and sustainable local economic development. We extend these actions from supporting smallholder farmers and public health programs, to investing in research and education in science.
Our intention is to contribute to society by making strategic, long-term focused investments towards our communities. We believe that we have a responsibility, not only because it is the right thing to do, but also because it is important for the economic growth of the industry and country. This lies at the foundation of Bayer’s purpose Science for a better life and our vision of Health for all, Hunger for none.
Focus areas of projects are aimed at:
- Food Security
- Access to health programs for vulnerable groups in low-income communities
- Public Health programs
- Small-holder and emerging farmer development and training
- Supporting research in science
- Supporting education in science
Established since 2014, the MOAYE program contributes to the sustainability of the cocoa, corn, and cotton value chain in Côte d'Ivoire. Since March 2023, it has a new formula that considers three crops as opposed to one crop previously. It is conducted in concert with several stakeholders, namely traders, cooperatives, and distribution partners.
Its two main targets are producers and consumers with the following objectives
- Reduce poverty rates by diversifying income sources
- Increase productivity by 40% over the next 5 years
- Reduce gender inequalities by empowering women
- Protect the climate by recycling empty containers through the Bayer Rewards program
In addition, the MOAYE program offers cooperatives the opportunity to benefit from health check-ups and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
- Training in good agricultural practices, enabling the production growth from 0.4 tonnes to 0.9 tonnes
- Training in safe use: 14,000 equipments distributed
- Contribution to women's empowerment: An average of 2,000 women assisted from production to access to guaranteed markets.
- 350 training courses for 7,000 applicators
- Packaging gathering: an average of 10,000 packages collected and destroyed with no CO2 emissions
We have the dream and target to support 100 million of women by 2030
Family planning is the tool we are going to use to do so. Family planning is the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children, which includes the spacing and timing of births, and a woman’s right to decide if she wants to have children or not.
It contributes to improved health outcomes for infants, children, women and families as a whole. In line with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of promoting health (SDG 3) and gender equality (SDG 5), we want to strengthen the role of women and intensify our efforts in modern family planning.
Why 100 million women?
Why do we undertake this project?
- Post-2015 Consensus. (n.d.). Population and Demography | Copenhagen Consensus Center. https://www.copenhagenconsen[1]
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (n.d.). Family Planning & Contraceptives Access | Gates Foundation. https://www.gatesfounda[1]
- United Nations Population Fund [UNFPA]. (n.d.). Family planning. United Nations Population Fund.
- Guttmacher Institute. (2022, September 9). Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
How impactful is the project in WCA?
For over 50 years, Bayer has been working as part of a network of partners to enable access to family planning in several countries. Awareness, availability, and affordability are the three pillars we use to ensure the promotion of family planning.
As results of our actions in West-Central Africa :
World contraception Day through digital campaign (Nigeria):
- 4 161 976 reached people (aged 15-29 Yo) in Nigeria
- 477 816 video views
- 24 448 152 total impressions
- 2021-2022
Outdoor campaign on Family planning: poster campaign in 1/3 of public health centers in Senegal in partnership with the Ministry of Health
Sponsoring the activities of the Ministry of Health for World Contraception Day in Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina-Faso and Senegal in 2022.
World Contraception Day 2022 Côte d’Ivoire: Sensitization – Contraceptive methods presented – Flyer distributions – Patient orientation – Gadget distribution
- 2021-2025
TCI next Gen: TCI stands for The Challenge Initiative (TCI) which is an urban reproductive health program designed to provide technical and financial assistance to cities to accelerate impactful FP & AYSRH* interventions.
* Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health
Scope: 6 hubs within the world including 2 in West Africa: the Nigeria & French West Africa (Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, Niger & Burkina-Faso) hubs
PEMACOV is an elimination of Malnutrition in Vulnerable Communities Project, this project is funded by BAYER WCA and aims to reduce the malnutrition rate which is around 21.6% among children under 5 years old and 30.01% among vulnerable communities.
The activities of the project have been done between august,2021 and august 2022 within the vulnerable communities in Abobo, Aboisso and Yamoussoukro, areas of intervention of the NGO SOS village in Côte d’Ivoire. Actions carried on field have been impactful directly and indirectly for the communities. We could mention:
- 9 communities touched with 6 on the project
- 821 vulnerable families impacted with 300 directly helped by the project
- 2 461 children under care and 2 100 helped by the project
- 6 nutritional, health and social structures
- 90 professionals and actors of nutrition and health trained
- 500 000 members of communities