Bayer ForwardFarming Mission

Advancing Regenerative Agriculture in the field

People shooting a video on a crop field

In collaboration with farmers and other partners, the Bayer ForwardFarming mission enables knowledge sharing about modern and sustainable agriculture through first-hand experiences on independent farms around the world.

Forward Farming Logo


Farmers’ livelihoods are increasingly challenged by the changing climate, limited natural resources, and growing societal demands. Together with farmers, we continually seek to move agriculture forward, with our eyes on a more sustainable future. This comes to life through Bayer ForwardFarming, a knowledge platform that fosters dialogue and demonstrates regenerative agriculture system blocks in practice, yielding nature-positive outcomes while increasing productivity & farmer income.

On ForwardFarms around the world, farmers, value chain partners, academia, scientists and civil society engage in dialogue and experience modern sustainable agriculture first-hand.

Across the ForwardFarming network, Bayer partners with independent farmers to show how a holistic system approach to tailored solutions, digital tools and modern practices, and partnerships are enabling farmers to run successful businesses while providing enough food for a growing population, and in a way that generates positive outcomes for nature.

Aline Vick
Sustainability in farming has always been the future in my eyes. Our goal is to show that regenerative farming practices aren't just idealistic dreams; they're practical and scalable. With the pressing need for effective solutions, regenerative agriculture offers a promising path with an accessible entry point for all.
Aline Vick
Fazenda Estância, Brazil

The Farmers

Independent and ambitious, ForwardFarmers help foster understanding, development, and implementation of sustainable agriculture by sharing innovations and insights with fellow farmers, consumers, and many other stakeholders alike.


They share the belief that economic and ecologic sustainability are inseparable in agriculture.  And that strong partnerships add value to their efforts to produce enough high-quality food, while at the same time future-proofing farming operations and making them more climate-resilient by preserving farmland, biodiversity, and natural resources such as water and soil.


Each ForwardFarm is treated as an individual ecosystem and is unique in the crops it grows, the land it farms, and the community it serves, but the farmers share a common passion for advancing regenerative and modern agriculture.

The ForwardFarming Know-how

A man harvests tomatoes.

Bayer ForwardFarming provides an up-close look at how modern farmers are practicing sustainable and regenerative agriculture around the world. Unique in its global reach the Bayer ForwardFarming network serves as a platform for knowledge sharing and dialogue. ForwardFarmers deploy technologies and best practices that not only yield better harvests with a lower climate and environmental footprint but also aims to deliver nature-positive outcomes. On the ForwardFarms, progress towards Bayer’s sustainability commitments truly comes to life.

Farming with Care

Bayer ForwardFarming demonstrates solutions that support sustainability in agriculture across the following three components: 


1. Care for Crops

Every farm is different, and every field within a successful farming operation is unique. An entire system of innovative Tailored Solutions is needed to meet the needs of the farmers' individual agronomic crop system – from the right seeds and traits to the correct type and amount of crop protection, to the digital tools and services that allow for good decision making, precision and overall economic success.


Learn more about Tailored Solutions

Seeds & Traits

With the availability of thousands of varieties of seed and many other important variables to consider, selecting the right seed for a field is one of the most important decisions a farmer can make. 


Learn more about Seeds & Traits


Crop Protection Products

Chemical and biological crop protection products combine to protect against weeds, pests, and diseases. Other measures and decision support tools help to optimize the applications and allow farmers to apply only as much as is truly needed.


Learn more about Crop Protection


Digital Tools & Services

From advanced weather monitoring to satellite remote sensing, digital technology enables farmers to take advantage of the data at their fingertips. Data science transforms traditional practices into an integrated system focused on sustainable use. Real-time data drives the precise application of resources, and state-of-the-art software allows for quick, easy analysis of crop management and protection.   


Learn more about Digital Tools

2. Care for the Planet and People

Bayer ForwardFarming promotes and demonstrates Proactive Stewardship to protect human health and preserve the environment as well as farmers' and farm workers' well-being. Examples include addressing the safe and responsible use of crop protection products; soil health, biodiversity, and water conservation; and offering training in all of these areas and beyond.

Safe Use of Crop Protection Products

Ensuring the responsible handling and application of products is an essential part of farming safety. ForwardFarming serves as a demonstration and knowledge exchange for farmers and other stakeholders to share, learn, and adopt best practices to keep themselves safe and continue to produce enough food.

For farmer support, Bayer provides an online tool called BAYER DRESSCODE with information about personal protection. Bayer has also developed a new closed system device called easyFlow. This device allows operators to measure and translocate crop protection products without being exposed to them.


Enhancement of Natural Habitat

On each farm, coexistence with the natural surroundings is important not only for the environment, but for the health of the crops. Depending on the local habitat and species, farms implement diverse features including:

  • Mixed plant hedges act as a windshield for fruit crops and help prevent spray drift.
  • Flowering strips and mixed hedges ensure that bees, wild pollinators, and other beneficial insects have food and shelter throughout the year when active.
  • Nesting boxes are provided for small birds and resting places for predatory birds.
  • Insect hotels provide habitat and encourage activity, especially by wild pollinators.
  • Open plots allow skylarks to land and build their nests in the surrounding fields.


Water Protection and Conservation

Water is one of our most valuable resources. Regardless of the activity, using and preserving water in a responsible manner is in the farmer’s and the environment’s best interest.

  • One example is the Phytobac® system used on ForwardFarms to ensure safe disposal and cleaning of wastewater. Residue water collected from a designated cleaning area is distributed slowly over a basin filled with a soil and straw mixture. Microorganisms in the soil remove chemical residue, and the clean water evaporates. 


Learn more about Water Conservation

Learn more about Water Quality and Phytobac®

3. Care for Partnerships

Bayer ForwardFarming fosters Partnerships with the farmer at the center, as well as value chain actors, research centers, universities, and other institutions to strengthen sustainable and regenerative farming development. 


Just a few examples of partnerships established by current ForwardFarms include: 

  • University of Gent (Belgium) 
  • De Ruiter Experience Center (Netherlands) 
  • National Bee Strategy (Netherlands)
  • HAS University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
  • ICL (Netherlands)


Learn more about our Collaborations

1st International Bayer ForwardFarmer Networking Event
Patricio Gunning
Wherever I have traveled in the world, I have always found farmers who try to make their agricultural operations as sustainable as possible. And I can say, I am happy that with my work, I can support them and their families for a better future.The Bayer ForwardFarming network is a tremendous platform to experience sustainable farming practices, helping to tackle new and ongoing challenges to feed the growing population while protecting and renewing nature.
Patricio Gunning
Global Director, Bayer ForwardFarming

The Global Bayer ForwardFarming Network 

Bayer ForwardFarms are representative of the global diversity of crops and the ecosystems that support them.  


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22+ farms—and scaling

13+ countries in the ForwardFarming network

14+ countries in the ForwardFarming network

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65,700+ ForwardFarm visits

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65+ types of fruits, vegetables, and grains cultivated 

Bayer ForwardFarming Around the Globe

We’re happy to connect with you! For the global mission contact Patricio Gunning or Enno Ommen with any questions or inquiries. For the respective country manager please check the homepages below.