Re-Think our Future: It's half-time.

Climate change is the biggest challenge we have ever faced in human history. Water shortages, the loss of biodiversity and extreme weather events are just three of the many consequences of climate change. At the same time, the world’s population continues to grow and is aging, which means that consumer and healthcare needs are increasing. Nevertheless, poverty, disease and hunger are not disappearing and threaten to become even worse.
The clock is ticking. We must act now!
More than seven years have passed since the member states of the United Nations agreed on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the associated 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 – as a universal call to action to end poverty and protect the planet. Mid-2023 was the halfway point on this journey and the interim results are disillusioning: A look at the United Nations‘ Global Sustainable Development Report 2023 clearly shows that we are miles away from achieving the sustainability goals. We will not achieve the global sustainability goals by 2030 or even 2050 with “business as usual”. But change is still possible and it is essential for the survival of the planet. It needs everyone’s contribution – from each individual, from business, industry and from politics.
Sustainability as a Guiding Light for our Actions
At Bayer, we have also set ourselves the goal of finding solutions to grow more food while reducing environmental impact and providing better health for a growing, ageing population. Sustainability has thus been a key element of the corporate strategy and an integral component of our actions since 2020. In compliance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we have drawn up a defined timetable for all of our sustainability goals up to 2030.
Re-Think our Future
This year at Bayer Switzerland, we founded the Swiss Sustainability Council, which is committed to implement the global requirements locally. Our own local Sustainability Report allows us to transparently provide information about our actions and the effects of our business activities on humans and the environment.
Our local activities are carried out in line with the motto “Re-Think our Future”. We all need to change the way in which we think in order to sustainably change our future.
We drive science and innovation in order to help ensure that everyone benefits from a good quality of life on a healthy planet. To support our mission „Health for all, Hunger for none“, we have defined three areas in which we will have a major impact and drive forward our ambitions and business solutions:
- Combating climate change
- Equal access to healthcare
- Food security
At Bayer Switzerland, we are committed to driving sustainability forward and doing our part to achieve our goals.
Here you can access the sustainability reports of Bayer Switzerland.