Generation Bayer | Fit in Old Age
There are more than 2 million people over 60 living in Switzerland today – that’s almost a quarter of the population. And the number of older people is set to increase rapidly over the next few decades. We aim to use our research and products to help this growing demographic group live a life that is as active as possible.
Bayer’s commitment to healthy aging
In 2016, 31 percent of the Swiss population was 55 or older. Around half of these people live with at least one chronic condition, a figure that rises to two thirds for people aged 75 and over.
Typical age-related disorders include cardiovascular diseases, eye disorders, cancer and diabetes.
By providing information on health-related topics, younger generations can make well-informed decisions to help them avoid chronic diseases, thus giving them the opportunity to stay healthy well into their senior years. A healthy lifestyle featuring regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stimulating mental activity will make it easier for all generations to achieve this goal.

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