Our donations

Basel Cancer League
Since 2014 Bayer Switzerland has supported the cancer charity Krebsliga beider Basel. This partnership is particularly close to our hearts: As a highly regarded institution, Krebsliga beider Basel understands the challenges for sick people and for society. Our donations have helped finance an information and meeting center on Petersplatz, Basel. Many cancer patients go through treatment only to find out that their condition is incurable; others have been cured but are still not back to full health. In the past, there was nowhere these patients could go in the Basel region to obtain support to help them reintegrate into everyday life. The center offers them and their loved ones professional psychosocial support in order to meet the emotional and social needs of those affected as well as the demand for information about the disease.
Schweizer Jugend Forscht
Seit 2019 leisten wir einen Beitrag an die Stiftung Schweizer Jugend forscht. Diese etablierte Stiftung will bei Jugendlichen das Interesse an den Wissenschaften wecken und sie zu selbstständigem Forschen anregen. Wir freuen uns, sie dabei zu unterstützen.
Stiftung Theodora
The Consumer Health Division of Bayer Switzerland has been working together with the Stiftung Theodora foundation since 2020. The foundation aims to make the lives of children in hospital a little brighter through fun and laughter. It organizes and finances weekly visits by professional performing artists, referred to as “dream doctors.”
Debra Schweiz
Our Consumer Health Division has also supported DEBRA Switzerland since 2021. This is a patient organization for people suffering from the congenital, currently incurable skin disease epidermolysis bullosa (EB). The foundation advises and supports those affected and their relatives.
The “Butterfly Month” launched by Bayer took place in October 2023. To this end, Bayer provided 800 interested pharmacies and drugstores throughout Switzerland with information and display materials to raise awareness of epidermolysis bullosa among the general public. In addition, Bayer Switzerland is donated one franc to DEBRA Switzerland for every Bepanthen® DERMA SensiDaily™ protective balm product sold in June. This fundraising campaign raised around 31,000 francs. The campaign with the “Bayer Professional” e-learning tool raised an additional CHF 1,000.
Schweizer Tafel
In the first half of the year 2023, the organization received Bepanthol products – around 7,942 lipsticks, 4,100 body lotions and 13,000 lip creams – worth around CHF 27,010. In the second half of the year, we donated Bepanthen DERMA products worth around 25,000 francs. At the end of the year, 2,478 units of Bepanthen DERMA Regenerating Body Lotion were added, which corresponds to a value of CHF 7,600.
Schweizer Tafel accepts perfectly good goods and food from companies and distributes them free of charge to 500 social institutions such as homeless shelters, soup kitchens, emergency shelters and women’s refuges in Switzerland. It thus builds a bridge between abundance and scarcity and helps people in need in Switzerland, in line with our mission “Health for all, hunger for none”.
Stiftung ToGo opening eyes
In Togo (Africa), cataracts are a common yet unfortunately rarely treated eye disease. This clouding of the lens, which often occurs in old age, is usually easy to operate on but many cannot afford to pay the CHF 50 for the surgery. The ToGo opening eyes foundation is trying to change this, and is currently building an eye clinic in Vogan. In 2023 we donated CHF 5,000 to the foundation.
Kinderstiftung Ulmenhof
The Ulmenhof children’s foundation, previously known as DIE ALTERNATIVE, provides support to families, adults, and children who find themselves in difficult circumstances in the form of personalized psychosocial services. The goal is to help them learn to live independently and continue to do so in the future. The foundation offers counseling and social services, assisted living, social therapy, and a children’s home, and has locations in Ottenbach, Birmensdorf, and Obfelden in the Canton of Zurich. We donated CHF 1,450 to the foundation in 2023.
Swiss Silver Network Association
“malreden” is a project of the non-profit organization Silbernetz Schweiz based in Bern. People who feel alone or lonely often wish for human exchange and good conversation. The “malreden” hotline fulfills the wish of these people to simply be able to talk. Whether chatting, telling stories or intensive discussions - there is room for everything. The conversation partners work on a voluntary basis and are trained and supported by specialists. They are willing to help, but are neither health professionals nor trained in crisis intervention. In 2023, we supported the project with a donation of CHF 5,000.
Swiss Red Cross
The “2 x Christmas” campaign helps people in need: Parcels containing non-perishable food or hygiene articles are put together by private donors. The donated goods are sorted by the Red Cross and distributed directly to people living in poverty and social institutions in Switzerland. Donations from online parcels benefit people affected by poverty in Armenia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The focus is on winter aid. The Red Cross supports people who are particularly affected by the cold and live in precarious conditions. They receive food parcels, hot meals or are supported with financial contributions so that they can buy wood and medicines themselves, for example. In 2023, we donated Bepanthen® DERMA Sensidaily products worth CHF 5,080.
Bayer Switzerland operates the e-learning tool “Bayer Professional”, where HCPs can receive further training on products. They receive digital points for each training course and can choose whether they want to donate their training points to DEBRA or myclimate. These are then converted into money by Bayer and donated to the respective organization. This resulted in a donation of around CHF 1,000 for myclimate in 2023.
Vitamin Angels
Vitamin Angels is currently a charitable partner of Bayer Consumer Health. We are in the first year of our second three-year agreement, which aims to reach at least four million women and their babies annually with multiple micronutrient supplements (MMS). The three pillars of our partnership are intervention, education and advocacy. In 2023, we donated around CHF 14,000 to support the introduction and distribution of MMS in the Philippines.
Charitable Activities
Eden Reforestation Foundation
Since 2021 we have been using the app “eevie – your climate guide.” This app, which was developed in connection with the #climatechallenge project, helps employees reduce their CO2 footprint. The basic principle is that users earn points by making changes to become more sustainable. Employees can then spend these points to support reforestation projects run by the Eden Reforestation Foundation, a not-for-profit organization that is rebuilding natural landscapes in developing countries that have been destroyed by deforestation. In 2023, 551 employees participated in the #climatechallenge project and recorded a total of 7,198 climate actions in the app. This translated into 1,122 saplings being planted by the Eden Reforestation Foundation. The climate actions recorded in the app correspond to a CO2 reduction of 3,599 kilograms. The planted trees also have the potential to absorb around 14,025 kilograms of CO2 per year.
National Clean-Up-Day
In 2023 we participated in National Clean-Up Day for the third time. Around 80 employees picked up trash that was lying around our sites in Zurich and Basel. The Swiss Clean-Up Day is part of the international movement “Let’s Do It!” that was launched in 2008 and organizes global clean-up campaigns to tackle society’s littering problem.
Tree-planting Event
On September 16, 2023 the second Bayer CropScience tree-planting event took place in Muttenz. In collaboration with the Schauenburg forestry district, 60 Bayer employees planted around 600 trees. Planting trees helps to bind CO2 on the one hand, and, on the other, the addition of different tree species promotes biodiversity. Both measures are important in the fight against climate change. Through this planting event we made a contribution to creating a habitat for linden, walnut, and cherry trees as well as pine trees, oak trees, and silver firs, species which are able to better adapt to the new environmental conditions but have previously struggled to establish themselves. The trees planted will bind around 8,000 metric tons of CO2 each year, which corresponds to a car journey of around 30,000 kilometers.