- Climate, Environment and Safety
- At a Glance
- Reporting and Transparency
- ESG Ratings and Rankings
- Environment
- Social
- Sustainability in the Supervisory board
- Bayer Sustainability Council
- Bioethics Council
- UN Global Compact
- Product Stewardship
- Supplier Management
- Group Regulations
Group Positions
- Bioethical Principles
- Protection of Biodiversity
- Position on Global Product Strategy
- Position on Responsible Care
- Position on Deforestation and Forest Degradation
- Position on Insect Decline
- Raising the Bar on Crop Protection Safety Standards
- UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Position on Sustainable Beef Production
Bayer Human Rights Policy
In 2000, we committed to upholding the ten principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) derived among others from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and we're proud to sustain those values and the respect for Human Rights today.

Our Human Rights Policy helps define the requirements within the company. The policy enables us to respect and foster human rights within our own business activities and in business relations. This applies to all Bayer employees worldwide and the entire value chain, such as our suppliers, business partners, customers, consumers, and local communities. Our employees and third parties are encouraged to share concerns about potential breach with our Human Rights Policy via our Compliance Hotline.
In addition to the UNGC principles, our commitment to respect human rights is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP, commonly referred to as the “Ruggie Framework”), which recognize the distinct human rights responsibilities of states and businesses as well as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. This commitment includes internationally recognized human rights as defined by the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The UNGPs are considered to be among the most important international standards for preventing and combating possible human rights violations in connection with business activities. We are committed to respecting these principles along the entire value chain and within our scope of influence worldwide.
Embedding human rights due diligence along the entire value chain

We implement measures to respect for human rights both within our own company and along our entire value chain. Group regulations, processes, and management and monitoring systems regulate the implementation of human rights standards. The implementation of human rights due diligence is a continuous process that must be constantly adapted and improved. This all contributes to our mission “Health of all, Hunger for none”. Read more.
We have identified priority risk areas relevant across Bayer operations, products, services and business relationships. Learn more about our identified priority risk areas and their management in our Human Rights Policy.