Bayer WCA fungicides
A suspension concentrate for control of Botrytis cinerea on table and wine grapes as well as plant resistance stimulator for the suppression of bacterial speck in tomatoes.
Country of approval : Cote d'Ivoire
Active ingredients : Bacilius amyloliquefaciens
To be applied on brown rot (phytophtora palmivora and phytophtora megakarya)

Systemic fungicide,
A systemic suspension concentrate fungicide with mesostemic properties for the control of the diseases mentioned on the crops listed.
Countries of approval : Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Inter-State Drought Control Committee for the Sahel
Active ingredients :
- Tebuconazole (triazole) 200 g/l
- Trifloxystrobin (strobilurin) 100 g/l
To be applied on Alternaria, Rust, Powdery mildew and Fusarium

Bayer WCA insecticides
Insecticide to control armyworms in maize
Country of registration: Ivory Coast
Active ingredients: 240g/1 Flubendiamide + 240 g/1 Thiaclopride
Formulation: SC (Suspension Concentrate)
Chemical family: Triazole and strobilurin
Mode of action: Belt® Expert 480 SC acts by contact and ingestion via systemic activity.
Advantages :
- Dual-action product
- Highly effective control of armyworm on corn crops

Systemic insecticide for cocoa
Countries of registration: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon
Active ingredients: Flupyradifurone (75g/L) + Deltamethrin (10 g/L)
Apply to mirids (Sahlbergella singularis), bugs (Palomena Prasina), stem borers (Eulophonotus myrmeleon).

Contact and stomach insecticide formulated as an emulsifiable concentrate, for control of various insect pests on crops as indicated.
Countries of registration: Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria, CILSS, Ghana
Active ingredients: Deltamethrin (100 g/L)
For use on defoliating caterpillars, phyllophagous beetles, midges, defoliating noctuid moths, flea beetles, thrips and leafhoppers.

Systemic insecticide to control the parasitic complex of vegetable crops
Active ingredients : Spirotetramat (75 g/L) + Flubendiamide (100 g/L)
To be applied on caterpillars, aphids and white flies

Insecticide to control the armyworm
Countries of approval : CILSS, Cote d'Ivoire (planned for 2022)
Active ingredients : 240 g/l Flubendiamide + 240 g/l Thiacloprid
Target : Armyworm or Spodoptera frugiperda

Bayer WCA Nematicides
A suspension concentrate nematicide and fungicide for the control of nematodes in citrus, potatoes, tobacco and tomatoes as well as early blight (Alternaria solani) in potatoes
Country of approval : Cote d'Ivoire
Active ingredients : Fluopyram (400 g/l)
To be applied on Meloidogyne sp. Pratylenchus sp., Globodera sp., Ditylenchus sp., Trichodorus sp.

Bayer WCA herbicides
Post-emergence herbicide with broad spectrum activity, not persistent in the soil
Active ingredients : Acid glyphosate 360 g/L
Targets : Imperata, Paspalum, Digitaria, Pennisetum, various dicotyledons, annuals, Cyperus, Setaria, Pueraria (round limitation), Cynodon dactylon, Old canes
Benefits :
- Effectiveness recognized worldwide
- Control of most weeds
- Optimal absorption of the product

Post-emergence herbicide with broad spectrum activity, not persistent in the soil
Active ingredients : 450 g/L glyphosate (551 g/L potassium salt)
Targets : Weeds in perennial crop plantations, Weed killer
Benefits :
- More concentrated for more power
- New Transorb™ technology, optimized action at the roots
- Flexibility of use

Pre-emergent herbicide for control of broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in corn
Countries of approval : Inter-State Drought Control Committee for the Sahel, Nigeria, Togo, Benin, Ghana (Lagon 575 SC), Cote d'Ivoire (Merlin Combi 575 SC)
Active ingredients : Isoxaflutole (75 g/L) + Aclonifen (500 g/L)
Target: Annual weeds (grasses & broadleaf weeds)

Monsoon® active is a new post-emergence herbicide for corn. It controls emerging annual and perennial grasses and many broadleaf weeds through soil absorption.
Countries of approval : Cote d’Ivoire (2021), countries of Inter-State Drought Control Committee for the Sahel (2022)
Active ingredients :
• Foramsulfuron-sodium = foliar herbicide for grass control
• Thiencarbazone-methyl = foliar and residual herbicide for grass and broadleaf control
• Cyprosulfamide = plant protector active on the leaves
Benefits :
- High level of control on a wide range of broadleaf and grassy weeds.
- Flexible in use; application up to 21 days after seeding
- OD formulation for optimal product performance
Targets: dicotyledons and annual plants

Bayer WCA seeds
The yield of a maize field depends on several factors (choice of seed and other inputs, management of the technical itinerary, agro-climatic conditions). The quality of the seed is a determining factor for a good yield.
What is a hybrid seed?
A hybrid seed is the result of a cross between two lines. These two lines may have been selected for several reasons:
- Good yield capacity. Good regularity of yield.
- Good quality of the stem and the root, which limits the disastrous phenomenon of the lodging; and its consequences (appearance of aflatoxins for the plants lying on the ground).
- Good grain quality (rich in various minerals)
- Good behavior in front of the hydric stress (able to optimize the contributions in water).
- Flexibility in the choice of cycle (early, late or intermediate)

The hybrid resulting from the crossing between two lines gives the phenomenon of HYBRID VIGOR.

ID Card
Variety approved by ECOWAS
Target area: tropical climate
Water requirement/rainfall: 600 mm
Characteristics of the plant
Flowering: 60 days after sowing
Plant height: 167 cm
Cycle length: MR* = 120 days
*Relative maturity
Height of the ear: 82 cm
Yield potential
High yield potential, up to 10 tons/ha
Good grain quality
A solid plant
One plant = one large spike
- Good stem strength
- Very good tolerance to leaf and ear diseases
ID Card
Variety approved by ECOWAS
Target zone: tropical climate
Water requirement/ rainfall: 500 mm
Characteristics of the plant
Flowering: 55-67 days after sowing
Plant height: 180-186 cm
Cycle length: RM* = 110-120 days
Height of the ear: 82 cm
Yield potential
High yield potential, up to 10 tons/ha
Good grain quality
A solid plant
One plant = one large spike
- Very good resistance to lodging / good stem strength
- Good tolerance to leaf diseases