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Milestones, projects, collaborations, awards and more – there are regular updates on Bayer's commitment to sustainability. Here you can find the latest news.
Bayer ranked #5 within World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) 2023 Food & Agriculture Benchmark Results
Bayer reached this ranking in an assessment of 350 companies spanning the entirety of the food and agriculture value chain. Within the agricultural inputs segment (44 companies), Bayer ranked #2 overall, highlighting its performance in all measurement areas and commitment to transformation of food systems through the application of sustainable business practices. Of particular note, the company ranked # 1 in nutrition, which can be attributed in large part to its Nutrient Gap Initiative, focused on expanding access to nutritious food and nutritional supplements in underserved communities. Additionally, the company ranked #2 in governance and strategy. Find further information and the full dataset here.
Bayer ranked #4 within World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) 2023 Nature Benchmark Results
At the first publication (2022), Bayer ranked 15th in the global ranking and 1st among the chemical industry. At the second publication, Bayer has been ranked 4th in the global ranking (among 350 companies) and 1st among the agricultural inputs segment (among 44 companies). More precisely, the company ranked 2nd in the measurement area governance and strategy, 6th in ecosystems and biodiversity, and 11th in social inclusion and community impact, outperforming in all the measurement areas with respect to the previous edition. Find further information and the full dataset here.
Bayer advances four places to rank 9 in the Access to Medicine Index
Every two years the Access to Medicine Foundation ranks 20 of the world's largest pharma companies on how they perform in improving access to medicine for people in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Companies are evaluated on how they are addressing global health issues with access governance, R&D capabilities, and product delivery performance. Reaching 9th place is due to ongoing dedication throughout our divisions in moving the needle forward for those who need it most. Find more information about Bayer’s ESG ratings here.
Bayer publishes Update on Industry Association Climate Engagement Review
Bayer is dedicated to a climate policy that is in harmony with our ambitious climate targets and therefore advocate for decarbonization measures in line with the Paris Agreement. In accordance with our ambitions, we regularly examine critically our memberships in relevant industrial associations and their positions and actions affecting climate policy both internally and externally.
Bayer started publishing its Industry Association Climate Review in 2021. Find the updated 2022 report here, and more information on our website.
Bayer published Sustainability Progress Report of Crop Science Division
The report is meant to supplement the Bayer AG Sustainability Report by providing a closer look at the many ways the Crop Science division is promoting sustainable agriculture and creating the best possible outcomes for farmers. The purpose for creating this report is to demonstrate the actions Bayer is taking, the measure of impacts, and how Bayer is constantly evolving its business to improve impact on the environment and add value for farmers and society.
MSCI has upgraded its ESG rating for the group from “BB” to “A”
This marks a significant milestone in strengthening our ESG profile. This improvement was achieved, among other things, by reassessing the alleged environmental risk of GMO plants and the additional disclosure of ESG-relevant data in dialogue with investors and rating agencies. Read more about our ratings on our website.
MSCI lifts red flag on Bayer controversy
MSCI ESG Research lifted their red flag assigned to Bayer as well as their related allegation of a breach of the UN Global Compact Principles. The updated ESG Controversies Report is now available in MSCI’s ESG Manager.
During the last years, Bayer was in continuous discussions with MSCI ESG Research and provided substantial information for their assessment.
Following the removal of the red flag of the ESG rating agency ISS related to neonicotinoid insecticides last year, this is another important milestone in improving Bayer’s ESG profile.
Enhancing transparency: Bayer’s UN Global Compact adherence webinar
Transparency is a top priority for Bayer. We further extend our communication on controversial topics through meaningful information helping to evaluate Bayer’s ESG performance fairly and objectively. In the webinar we give a condensed overview about our latest reports on UN Global Compact adherence, GMOs and Neonicotinoid Insecticides.
We published the second edition of our Neonicotinoids Report
The Neonicotinoids Report 2022 intends to reflect our responsible business action towards risk mitigation and tracking systems to guarantee the safe use of our neonicotinoid-based products. It has been updated to reflect new developments since the publishing of last year’s edition.
The external Sustainability Council reports on the progress of its work in 2021
The Sustainability Council has published its 2021 Report. It includes the Council’s overall reflection on 2021, highlighting areas where progress was made and where Bayer should do even more in their view.
New details about our Crop Protection Environmental Impact Reduction commitment available
Bayer has the goal to reduce environmental impact of its plant protection products by 30 percent by 2030. The new methodological report gives details about the foundations of the performance tracking method including baseline calculation and improvement potentials in line with our target. It is complemented by the new EIR website.
Industry Association Climate Review
We are dedicated to a climate policy that is in harmony with our ambitious climate targets. To ensure transparency in this process, Bayer publishes its Industry Association Climate Review.
We are raising the bar on the commitment to tackle climate change
LEAF Coalition
Bayer is part of the LEAF coalition, an ambitious new public-private initiative designed to accelerate climate action by providing results-based finance to countries committed to protecting their tropical forests.
Recognition by the United Nations
Bayer and its partners, through their Better Life Farming partnership model, receives special United Nations recognition for their support to smallholder farmers.
Double A Rating for Bayer
Renowned ratings organization CDP (the “Carbon Disclosure Project”) has once again named Bayer among the leading international companies in the climate and water categories, awarding it the highest rating of double “A”.
Member of the SBTN Corporate Engagement Program
Bayer has joined the @SBT_Network Corporate Engagement Program.
More about SBTN Corporate Engagement Program
Three Places up in the Access to Medicine Index
The 2021 Access to Medicine Index shows how Bayer has advanced by three places in the last ranking, currently in 13th place out of 20 pharmaceutical firms.
More about Ratings, Rankings and Awards
Approval by the SBTi
The independent Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has reviewed the climate protection targets of Bayer AG and confirmed that Bayer is playing its part in limiting global warming to 1.5 °C.