Francesco Grioli*

Member of the Supervisory Board effective April 2022, elected until 2027
Member of the Executive Main Board of the German Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union
Memberships on other supervisory boards:
- Continental AG1
* employee representative
1 listed company
Curriculum Vitae
22.04.1972 | Born in Kelkheim im Taunus, Germany |
1989–1993 | Vocational training as an energy electronics technician specializing in operating technology at Hoechst AG in Frankfurt-Höchst |
1990–1997 | Youth and trainee representative at Hoechst AG |
1993– 1998 | Employment at Hoechst AG |
1997–1998 | Works council representative at Clariant GmbH |
1998–1999 | Trained as trade union secretary at IG BCE |
1999–2001 | Trade union secretary in the regional district of Hesse/Thuringia of IG BCE |
2001–2007 | Head of the Youth Department at IG BCE headquarters |
2007–2009 | Head of the Works Council Department at IG BCE headquarters |
2009–2013 | Secretary to the Executive Board in the Collective Bargaining Policy/Finance Department of IG BCE |
2013–2017 | Head of the Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland regional district of IG BCE |
Since 2017 | Member of the Executive Main Board of IG BCE |