Benefits and Risks of Drugs

- Health at Bayer
- Treatment Areas
- Innovation & Technologies
- Cell and Gene Therapy
- Patient Access Charter
- Leadership Perspective
- Strengthening Healthcare Access
- Moving Non-Communicable Diseases Care Forward
- Ensuring a Sustainable Product Supply
- Delivering Better Cancer Care
Empowering Women, Globally
- Boosting Family Planning Usage through Digital Channels
- Capacity building: Addressing Root Causes through Partnerships
- Impact at Scale: The Challenge Initiative
- Promoting Awareness: World Contraception Day (WCD) & the Your Life Campaign
- Providing Accessible and Affordable Contraceptives
- Enabling Family Planning in Humanitarian Settings
- Fighting Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Transparency
- News & Stories
- Personal Health
- Report a Side Effect
- Medical Counterfeits
Whatever the choice - make it an informed one!
Your doctor prescribed a drug. It should help treat or prevent an illness. But now, back home, you take the time to read the comprehensive package insert and doubts creep in … should I really take it? What about all these side effects mentioned? And two tablets a day really seems a lot, maybe one will do? Your friend swears by this medicine from the drug store, no question what she would advise! This website provides you with a lot of useful information on the benefits and risks of drugs and how drugs are researched, developed, and continuously monitored and evaluated for efficacy and tolerability. This way, Bayer wants to help you make an informed decision together with your doctor or pharmacist. When doing so, make sure the decision is based on facts, not rumors: your health is your most precious asset!