Investor Conference Call

Q3 2020 Results



Investor News November 03, 2020

Bayer: Challenging third quarter - Group outlook confirmed

Group sales decrease by 5.1 percent (Fx & portfolio adj.) to 8.506 billion euros / EBITDA before special items falls 21.4 percent to 1.795 billion euros / Substantial decline in sales and earnings at Crop Science, heavily impacted by seasonal and currency effects / Pharmaceuticals business recovering - higher earnings but slightly lower sales / Strong performance at Consumer Health / Net loss of 2.744 billion euros - impairment charges at Crop Science, proceeds from divestment of Animal Health / Core earnings per share decline by 30.2 percent to 0.81 euros / Free cash flow falls by 2.1 percent to 1.237 billion euros MORE


Q3 2020 Investor Conference Call

Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Beginn: ca. 14:00 Uhr MEZ (13:00 Uhr UTC)

Start at approx. 2:00 p.m. CET (1:00 p.m. UTC)



Werner Baumann

CEO of
Bayer AG

Audio recording of the investor conference call (including slides)


Audio file

You can also play the audio recording on your mobile device.


Presentation charts

Quarterly Statement Third Quarter 2020


Wolfgang Nickl

CFO of Bayer AG


Q3 2020 All in One Package for Investors and Analysts