Q3 2020 Results
Investor News November 03, 2020
Bayer: Challenging third quarter - Group outlook confirmed
Group sales decrease by 5.1 percent (Fx & portfolio adj.) to 8.506 billion euros / EBITDA before special items falls 21.4 percent to 1.795 billion euros / Substantial decline in sales and earnings at Crop Science, heavily impacted by seasonal and currency effects / Pharmaceuticals business recovering - higher earnings but slightly lower sales / Strong performance at Consumer Health / Net loss of 2.744 billion euros - impairment charges at Crop Science, proceeds from divestment of Animal Health / Core earnings per share decline by 30.2 percent to 0.81 euros / Free cash flow falls by 2.1 percent to 1.237 billion euros MORE
Q3 2020 Investor Conference Call
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Beginn: ca. 14:00 Uhr MEZ (13:00 Uhr UTC)
Start at approx. 2:00 p.m. CET (1:00 p.m. UTC)
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Audio recording of the investor conference call (including slides)
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CFO of Bayer AG |