Operator Safety Standards

The following materials lay out the detailed scientific approach we use when assessing the risks for operators (users, applicators) of our crop protection products and show how we identify which safety measures operators need to take. Below you will find the extensive technical safety standard for operator exposure, a one-page summary document as well as the corresponding exposure calculation spreadsheet.
- Technical document – for detailed information on the Bayer safety standards for operator exposure.
- One-pager – a brief summary of the Bayer operator safety standards.
On April 21-22, 2021, an external review panel was held with eight external scientists, including academics and current and former regulators, who were asked to provide feedback on the operator safety standards. The scientists pre-reviewed the standards and provided feedback to directed questions on the quality of the standards. During the meeting they were able to elaborate on their feedback, ask Bayer questions, and Bayer was able to clarify. Their feedback will improve the standards’ technical content and readability and the reviewers provided practical ideas for global implementation. The summary minutes of the meeting and action items can be found here.