Companies do not typically share the results of their studies with the general public, as much of the information is considered commercially sensitive. While the information may be sensitive, we believe it can foster open, science-based dialogue and support confidence in the safety of our products. Therefore, we aim to remove any barriers to access detailed information on the safety of our products. By enabling access to product safety information and regulatory submission documents in parallel with background materials and information on our rigorous crop protection safety standards, we strive to foster an open, science-based dialogue on products and techniques used in modern agriculture as well as on the regulatory systems that approve their use.
People express concern about many aspects of modern agriculture including the use of biotechnology to improve plants and pesticides in their food as well as have concerns over their health, and the health of our pollinators and the environment. Conflicting messages dominate media and social networks, making it difficult for people to separate fact from fiction. Mistrust is amplified when the public doubts the integrity of privately-funded research studies, or if they think the industry is hiding something from them.
Why now?
Now more than ever we are at a critical stage in agriculture and the health of our planet and it is going to take collaboration across disciplines, industries, and the public to solve these challenges. By prioritizing transparency now, we can help build the trust to address these challenges together. Balance is considered to ensure that confidential business information does not fall into the hands of competitors.
We have enabled access to summarized test results and evaluations on our crop protection products and GM crops, and you can request access to the full safety study reports. Additionally, we are disclosing detailed information on our crop protection safety standards.
We want to provide you with the tools to put the science behind our products into context – which is why we are also providing informative modules with videos, infographics, and explainers on the topics of crop protection, genetic modification, and plant breeding.

What can you learn?
Reports - Phase 1
Summaries of active substances study information for ecotoxicology, environmental fate, toxicology, and residues. These summaries contain all the scientific information we have in a condensed format.
Additionally, US regulatory submission documents and safety summaries are being made available for our commercialized GM crop products.
Reports - Phase 2
Access to full safety study reports for our commercialized crop protection active substances, products, and GM crops. These full reports may consist of several thousand pages and include all details on experimental setup and results.
Crop protection safety standards - Phase 3
Documents that layout the safety standards we apply to evaluate our crop protection products. These standards ensure that our products can be used without risks to human health or unacceptable risks to the environment if used according to label instructions. The risk-based approach involves determining the hazard of the crop protection product, comparing this with operator, consumer, or environmental exposure, and finally identifying the necessary safety measures.
We want to help answer the questions you might have and will use different formats like scroll stories, short videos, and other helpful materials for illustration.
We appreciate your understanding
We have to respect our scientists' privacy and therefore are not sharing their names and addresses. These parts are blacked out.
We do the same for confidential business information which we do not want to see falling into the hands of competitors.
This takes an immense effort because it requires a step-by-step check of each study. Please understand that we cannot work on all substances at the same time.
The journey
Our safety experts, scientists, data specialists, and contract lawyers have to cooperate globally throughout the disclosure process.
Move through the different steps to see what is required before we can disclose information for one single substance or GM product.

They are responsible for ensuring that the disclosure of data does not conflict with the interests of third parties, e.g. that we are the owner of the data and allowed to disclose them. They also check if confidential business information is contained in the documents which need to be blackened.
What are the challenges?
Our goal is to ensure public access to our safety data while protecting our know-how and investment in safety studies against misuse.

They are responsible for performing and reporting safety studies around the globe, working with Regulatory Managers to compile the studies for this Transparency Initiative. They will help to answer your questions about our studies.
What are the challenges?
Our goal is to have an open dialogue with you about our science. Please remember, there are more of you than us, so it may take a little while for us to answer your questions.

They are responsible for the documents we disclose and they work with the various functions to make sure that the information is complete.
What are the challenges?
Our goal is to make sure you have access to our safety data from around the world while protecting the data ownership rights of our third-party partners.

They are responsible for managing hundreds of thousands of documents including all of the safety-relevant study summaries and reports which are required in the Transparency Initiative to make them available on our platform.
What are the challenges?
Our goal is to ensure our safety information is made available to you as quickly as possible while protecting the privacy of our scientists and safeguarding our confidential business information. We are working through hundreds of thousands of pages. So please be patient with us!
External stakeholders being involved in the process
Industry collaborators
Scientific Collaborators
Other Transparency Initiatives in the Agriculture Industry
Our Commitment to Data Transparency (Crop Life International)
A guide to finding existing safety data (Crop Life International)
About the glyphosate re-registration in the EU (Glyphosate Renewal Group – GRG web site)
Bayer Authored Scientific Publications
Resource Library