Corporate Governance

Statutory targets for the proportion of women in senior management positions in Germany

Bayer aims to achieve full gender parity at global level at all management levels below the Board of Management by the end of 2030 at the latest. In addition to this voluntary human resources policy goal, the company has in Germany also formulated legally required targets for the proportion of women in senior management positions and is consistently pursuing both.

A group of business people in a meeting.

The "Act on the Equal Participation of Women and Men in Leadership Positions in the Private and Public Sector" (FüPoG) requires certain Bayer Group companies to set targets for the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board, the Board of Management or Executive Committee and the next two management levels. We met the targets set in the last reporting cycle, which were to be met from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2022, with one exception. On their basis and in accordance with legal requirements and our own human resources policy objectives for gender balance, we have formulated new targets for the companies of the Bayer Group subject to the FüPoG in its current structure, which are to be achieved by June 30, 2027.

Target achievement by June 30, 2022

New targets up to June 30, 2027

Bayer has reviewed the targets for the proportion of women in senior management positions in accordance with the provisions of the FüPoG and formulated new targets for the period up to June 30, 2027. Specifically, the responsible corporate bodies of the respective companies have resolved the following targets.

Additional voluntary ambitions for gender parity in management worldwide

Beyond these legally required targets for the proportion of women in management positions at the German companies, Bayer has for years been voluntarily committed to achieving greater gender balance in management at Group level. In February 2021, we published a comprehensive strategy for greater inclusion and diversity throughout the Group, each of which also includes specific targets. According to this strategy, the average gender ratio at all combined management levels in the Group, including lower and middle management, is to be 50/50 by 2025. In the Global Executive Committee (Top 75) and the Group Leadership Circle (Top 540), the proportion of women is to be at least 33 percent by then. Bayer aims to achieve full gender parity at all management levels by 2030.


We will pursue this strategy for gender parity in management with commitment in the coming years and report transparently on its current status. In doing so, we will also continue to be guided by our definition of management levels because it accurately reflects the organization of our company and covers a significantly broader management segment than the national law. We will therefore also continue to publish in our reporting the results from our voluntary commitment with its Groupwide approach and additionally the target figures under German law.

Target figures for the proportion of women at the Bayer Group companies concerned

Company        Supervisory Board Executive Board 1st Management Level 2nd Management Level
Bayer AG Target female proportion by June 2022* 30 0 20 25
Target female proportion in June 2022* 40.0 16.67 26.6 23.7
Effective female proportion by June 2027* - - 36 16/19 35 35/199
Bayer Bitterfeld GmbH Target female proportion by June 2022* 33.33 0 20.0 30.0
Target female proportion in June 2022* 33.33 0 23.1 30.1
Effective female proportion by June 2027* 33 1/3 0 30 10/13 40 5/13
Bayer Gastronomie GmbH Target female proportion by June 2022* 33 0 20 25
Target female proportion in June 2022* 100.0 0 50.0 31.82
Effective female proportion by June 2027* 66 2/3 0 50.00 30.00
Bayer Vital GmbH Target female proportion by June 2022* 0 0 0 22
Target female proportion in June 2022* 33.33 0 66.67 28.57
Effective female proportion by June 2027* 33 1/3 0 50.00 40.00
GP Grenzach Produktions GmbH Target female proportion by June 2022* - -   -
Effective female proportion in June 2022* - 0 25.0 43.5
Target female proportion by June 2027* 66 2/3 0 50.00 50.00

*in percent