Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Reporting on our Progress

Results and Progress Reviewed by External Experts.

Bayer aims to demonstrate a method for measuring specific on-field GHG emissions in a reasonable approach and that the baselining and performance tracking methodology is adequate. 

The main objective of this report is to document how Bayer quantifies specific on-field greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and soil carbon sequestration. More specifically, this report documents how Bayer compiles inventory data to quantify GHG emissions and conducts a sustainable intensification impact assessment to achieve Bayer’s goal to reduce on-field greenhouse gas emissions of its farming customers per mass unit of crop produced by 30% by 2030 compared to the overall base year emission intensity1. This applies to the highest greenhouse gas emitting crop systems in the regions Bayer serves with its products.2

This page is home to the methodology report (and future iterations) which have gone through 3 cycles of rigorous expert panel reviews. Here, the review report can be found, containing information on the strategic intent behind Bayer’s GHG commitment, a description of the overall methodology and initial baseline calculations, and interpretations of the data.



Download the Report (PDF 1.28 MB)

1 Our reduction target refers to an overall base year greenhouse gas intensity that includes the weighted emission intensities of 18 crop-country combinations. Base years are defined individually for each crop-country combination, using data from either harvest year 2020, 2021 or 2022 depending on the availability of data.
2 The crop-country combinations Italy-Corn and Spain-Corn were not selected based on these factors but were additionally included because data were already available.