Internal Opportunity and Risk Management System
As a global enterprise with a diversified portfolio, the Bayer Group is constantly exposed to a wide range of internal or external developments and events that could significantly impact the achievement of our financial and nonfinancial objectives.
Opportunity and risk management is therefore an integral part of corporate management at Bayer. We regard opportunities as positive deviations, and risks as negative deviations, from projected or target values for potential future developments.
Risk Management System
We have implemented a holistic and integrated risk management system designed to ensure the continued existence and future target attainment of the Group through the early identification, assessment and treatment of risks. Our risk management system is aligned to internationally recognized standards and principles such as the ISO 31000 risk management standard of the International Organization for Standardization, and is defined and implemented with the help of binding corporate policies.
The Board of Management of Bayer AG holds overall responsibility for an effective risk management system. The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board examines the appropriateness and effectiveness of the risk management system at least once a year. Responsibility for the identification, assessment, treatment and reporting of risks lies with the operational business units in the divisions and enabling functions.