
Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, blocking a vein (venous thrombosis) or artery (arterial thrombosis). In the EU, more people die from blood clots than from AIDS, breast cancer, prostate cancer and traffic accidents combined.
Venous and Arterial Thromboembolism is responsible for a number of serious and life threatening conditions:
Advice for patients
Each body reacts differently to medicines. Therefore it is impossible to tell which medicine works best for you. Please consult your physician.
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) is the third most common cardiovascular disease worldwide and is the most common avoidable cause of hospital death. VTE encompasses two conditions: deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). DVT is a blood clot that forms in the veins that lie deep within the muscles, for example in the leg or pelvis. If all or part of the DVT breaks off and the blood clot moves to block a vessel in the lungs, this is known as a PE, an event which can be rapidly fatal.
Symptoms of DVT include: pain, swelling, redness of the affected area, usually the leg and the skin may also be warm to the touch.
Symptoms of PE include: acute shortness of breath, chest pain, rapid heart rate, some people may also cough blood -
Arterial Thromboembolism occurs when oxygenated blood flow from the heart to another part of the body (via an artery) is interrupted by a blood clot. If this occurs in an artery supplying blood to the brain, it can lead to a stroke, an event that can be severely debilitating or fatal. If it occurs in a coronary artery, it can lead to acute coronary syndrome (ACS), which includes conditions such as myocardial infarction (heart attack), and unstable angina
Venous and Arterial Thromboembolism is responsible for increasing morbidity and mortality, and requires active or preventative treatment to avoid potentially serious or fatal patient outcomes. Bayer offers such a product that may be of benefit for these patients. It is important for doctors and patients to discuss all available treatment options to ensure the patient receives the best medication for him / her.