Relevant Positions

Handling Products Responsibly on a Global Scale

The Global Product Strategy (GPS) was introduced by ICCA in 2006 at the UN International Conference on Chemicals Management in Dubai as a contribution to the inter-governmental SAICM (Strategic Alignment of International Chemicals Management).

It was in response both to new global challenges for the chemical industry (e.g. REACH regulation), and to stakeholders requiring the chemical industry to demonstrate that they produce and handle chemicals in a responsible way and that their products are safe for humans and the environment when used as intended. Through several strategic elements, the ICCA aims to ensure that society continues to benefit from our innovations, while health, safety, and the environment are protected and sustained.

A tractor pulling a load of sacks on a dirt road.
Loading of fertilizer for sugarcane in the region of Guaira/São Paulo, Brazil.

At Bayer we consider the safety and compatibility of our products to have top priority. We therefore inspect and monitor all Bayer products in applications known to us with regard to potential health, safety, environment and quality (HSEQ) risks. Our product stewardship activities cover the entire value chain – from product development and production through to product use and final disposal.


Since 1994, we have aligned ourselves to the voluntary Responsible Care™ initiative of the chemical industry, and Bayer signed the revised Global Charter of that initiative in 2006.