Bayer in South Africa

Bayer has a long history in South Africa, dating back to the early 1920’s when Taeuber & Corssen (Pty) Ltd were appointed as agents of the then German chemical company, Bayer AG.
Following an evolutionary process spanning more than half a century, Bayer in South Africa formally came into existence in 1993, consolidating its activities in the country in the industrial/chemical, agricultural, healthcare and consumer fields.
With the majority of Bayer’s total sales on the continent generated in South Africa, the country plays a key role in Bayer’s African strategy and remains a key market for Bayer.
The divisions we operate in include:

Bayer (Pty.) Ltd
Collaboration Hub
1st Floor, Waterfall Circle
9 Country Estate Drive
Waterfall City
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 9215911
Fax: +27 11 9215766