Bayer in Zambia

In 2016, Bayer opened an office in Zambia to focus on the local agricultural sector through its Crop Science Division.
Being relatively new in the country it's Bayer's plan to grow and become one of the leading agriculture-based service and product providers. Through a robust team and excellent management, the Crop Science division continues to make significant strides to meet the agricultural demands that the country requires.
Legacy Monsanto: Monsanto was operational for 15 years in Zambia, with the core value focusing on productivity. Monsanto cemented its operations in the maize industry and had a growing demand for its wide and high yielding portfolio.
With the acquisition of Monsanto, Bayer Zambia Ltd is now widely known for its maize hybrids of Dekalb; crop protection products such as Belt 480SC, Decis Forte, Confidor, Velum Prime, Thunder, Folicur and Nativo; herbicides such as Roundup, Harness, Bullet and Auxo, Fungicides such as Aviator Xpro, Prosaro; Insecticides such as K-Obiol DP, and seed treatment products like Gaucho and Peridium.
Bayer Zambia Limited
Plot 10103,
Mumbwa Road,
Lusaka, Zambia
P. O. Box 37131,
Phone: +260211 286451/53