Bayer in Mozambique

Mozambique is endowed with rich and extensive natural resources. The country's economy is based largely on agriculture, but the tourism and manufacturing industry is growing.
Bringing the best services and products to Mozambicans is part of Bayer’s vision of health for all and hunger for none. A variety of Bayer's pharmaceutical and consumer health products are available on the market in Mozambique
Since the agricultural sector contributes 25% of the GDP, 60% of the export revenue and employs 75% of the labour force, it remains an important focus for Bayer. Smallholder farmers, with an average of 1.5 hectares cultivated, provide 95% of the agricultural GDP. Main crops include maize, pulses, cotton, tropical fruits, sugarcane, tomatoes, potatoes and leaf vegetables.
Bayer's products include maize hybrids, crop protection solutions, herbicides and post-harvest grain protection.
Bayer Mozambique Limited
Rua 1301 Nr 97
Bairro da Sommerschield,
Maputo - Moçambique
Phone: +258 21 499832