Crop Science

World-Class Solutions for Africa
Africa is one of the most promising emerging markets with great potential for food production. As a company keen on advancing its vision for health for all and hunger for none, Bayer is determined to contribute and be part of this story. Bayer Crop Science is a leader in the field of crop protection, seed production and trait development, offering world-class solutions to local challenges in Africa.
Bayer Crop Science (CS) is one of the divisions of Bayer in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a specific focus on innovative crop protection, traits and seed products.
To help farmers control existing crop threats and get ahead of emerging ones, we are constantly updating our diverse product portfolio of seeds, seed treatments, traits, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and harvest aids/PGRs. Bayer also provides non-agricultural pest control products to help combat diseases like malaria through vector control.
Our agricultural products* offer proven broad-spectrum disease, pest and weed control, easier crop management and the timesaving technologies for maximizing crop production and enhancing profitability.
We offer a range* of hybrid maize seeds and products that will protect your maize against weeds, pests and diseases ensuring healthy plants and increased yields.
With the integration of the legacy Monsanto entities, the marketing of DEKALB maize seed and additional crop protection products, including herbicides, have been added to the portfolio of Bayer Crop Science’s offering to the agricultural sector in the SEA region.
DEKALB innovation combines the newest germplasm with the latest biotechnology traits for maximum hybrid performance and yield potential. With the support of our sales team, producers can select the best products* for the best return on their seed investment.
Bayer Crop Science has a range* of solutions created for wheat, barley and canola producers. With the farmer’s quest for higher profitability in mind, Bayer offers a range of products, designed to allow increased yields and quality and to protect your crop against weeds, pests and diseases.
Profit and high-quality fruits and vegetables are of utmost importance in a demanding and competitive local and export market. Therefore, Bayer developed a range* of crop protection products to help you increase your yields and protect crops from weeds, pests and diseases. We also take care of the needs of tobacco and flower producers in the region with a range of crop protection offerings.
*The availability of products may vary in the region because of country-specific regulations.
Bayer Crop Science offers a range of solutions for different key crops in different countries. Bayer’s agronomists operate locally and know your crops – from maize to stone fruits – and offer innovative solutions to increase your yield potential.
The fast-growing adoption of technology also creates opportunities for digital transformation. This includes the use of digital farm management technology like Climate FieldView for commercial crop producers. With the Climate FieldView™ app, you can make precision farming a reality and collect, analyze, store, and view your field data in one place. Climate FieldView™ does the listening so you can optimize yield and maximize profit.
At Bayer, we know that the world of farming is ever-evolving. Fields change, weeds adapt, temperatures fluctuate. As they do, products need to change too. That’s why we place innovation at the centre of our business. To make your job easier from seed to harvest, our bioscientists and agronomists turn extensive field research into biotechnology solutions.