Annual Stockholders’ Meeting 2025

Right to speak

Stockholders that have joined the Meeting electronically have the right to speak at the virtual Annual Stockholders’ Meeting by means of video communication pursuant to Section 130a, Paragraphs 5 and 6 of the AktG. Motions and proposals for election pursuant to Section 118a, Paragraph 1, Sentence 2, No. 3 of the AktG and all requests for information pursuant to Section 131 of the AktG may be included in the speech.


Speeches can be registered via the Stockholders’ Portal on the day of the Meeting from 9:00 a.m. CEST. It is also possible to check the proper functioning of video communication from this point in time. Only a limited number of places can be made available for parallel checking of proper functioning. If the capacity limit is reached, stockholders will be sequentially permitted into the virtual waiting room to check the proper functioning of video communication after the Meeting has started.


Minimum technical requirements for live video transmission are an internet-enabled device with camera and microphone which can be accessed from the browser, as well as a stable internet connection. Recommendations for ensuring optimal functioning of video communication can be found at The Company reserves the right to check the proper functioning of video communication between the stockholder and the Company at the Meeting and before the speech and to reject the speech if proper functioning is not ensured.


The Stockholders’ Portal is operated on behalf of Bayer AG by Computershare Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG according to the instructions of Bayer AG agreed by way of a contractually regulated cooperation.