Annual Stockholders’ Meeting 2025

Right of information

In accordance with Section 131, Paragraph 1 of the AktG, each stockholder is entitled to request and receive information from the Board of Management during the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting on issues relating to the Company, provided that the information is required for the due and proper assessment of an item on the agenda and there is no right to refuse disclosure. The duty of disclosure also extends to the legal and business relationships of the Company with an affiliated company and the position of the Group and the companies included in the consolidated financial statements.


The chair of the Meeting plans to establish pursuant to Section 131, Paragraph 1f of the AktG that the right to information and to ask follow-up questions at the Meeting may be exercised solely by means of video communication via the Stockholders’ Portal.


Stockholders that have joined the Meeting may submit requests pursuant to Section 131, Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the AktG by means of electronic communication, likewise via the Stockholders’ Portal.


The Stockholders’ Portal is operated on behalf of Bayer AG by Computershare Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG according to the instructions of Bayer AG agreed by way of a contractually regulated cooperation.