How to Vote
Voting rights in the virtual Annual Stockholders’ Meeting may be exercised in various ways:
- by postal voting,
- by appointing one of the proxy holders designated by the company, to whom you may then issue instructions for the exercise of your voting rights,
- by issuing a proxy to a person of your choice, including a stockholders’ association, who can exercise your voting rights via postal vote or by appointing one of the proxy holders designated by the company.
Only those stockholders who are entered in the Company’s share register and have registered by the required date to participate in the virtual Annual Stockholders’ Meeting are eligible to do so and to exercise voting rights.
Registrations to participate in the Meeting must be received by the Company at the latest by 24:00 CEST on Friday, April 18, 2025, at the following postal address or email address:
Bayer Aktiengesellschaft
c/o Computershare Operations Center
80249 Munich
or submitted electronically by using the password-protected Annual Stockholders’ Meeting internet service (Stockholders’ Portal) and following the instructions given there.
Please use the registration form to notify us of your intention to attend the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting. The Sample registration, power of attorney, instruction and postal voting form will be sent to every registered shareholder at the end of March.
The Stockholders’ Portal is operated on behalf of Bayer AG by Computershare Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG according to the instructions of Bayer AG agreed by way of a contractually regulated cooperation.
In the Stockholders’ Portal you can register for the virtual Annual Stockholders’ Meeting, submit statements, exercise your right to speak, of information and to object, order proxy cards, grant power of attorney to a proxy of your choice, grant power of attorney and issue instructions to proxies designated by the company or exercise your voting rights through postal vote.
Irrespective of registration before the deadline are the instructions for the proxy designated by the company as well as changes to or the cancellation of such. Any such instructions may be given or changed using our Stockholders’ Portal until April 25, 2025 (up to the time when voting is closed by the chair).
In the Stockholders’ Portal you can also:
- retrieve the receipt of the voting count in a short time after the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting,
- check your user data,
- change your individual access code,
- grant or withdraw your consent for the future electronic delivery of Annual Stockholders’ Meeting documents. Please take advantage of this electronic service to help us reduce printing costs and for the sake of the environment.
Further information around the virtual Stockholders’ Meeting can be found in the ASM Services & Downloads section.
No warranty is given, or liability accepted, for the operability, availability, stability or reliability of the Internet-assisted proxy and instruction system, or for access to the system, including any third-party Internet services and network elements utilized. Furthermore, we assume no responsibility for errors or defects in the hardware or software used to cast votes via the Internet, including that of contracted service companies, insofar as no intent or gross negligence is present.