The right genetics make all the difference when it comes to a successful wheat crop. Expert advice by Bayer professionals and insights from digital tools like Climate FieldView™ help growers select the genetics best suited to their unique growing conditions. Watch the video to learn more about the exciting advancements in hybrid wheat from J.D. Rossouw, Head of Vegetables Research & Development at Bayer.
Protecting yield potential with weed control is critical. Herbicides like Huskie® FX—combined with optimized planting rates—can help farmers manage the enormous variety of weeds that can adversely affect wheat.
Fungicides are also critical to control yield-robbing disease in growers’ fields, and solutions like Prosaro® PRO 400 SC promote plant health and grain quality through management of key foliar and head diseases. And when paired with insights gathered from digital tools, farmers can be more precise with their input applications, saving time and money, and promoting sustainability.
- As weeds develop resistances, farmers will need even more diverse and durable weed management systems. Bayer is investing heavily in new herbicide technologies with multiple modes of action—and ones that are designed with the expectation they will have better safety and environmental profiles—to deliver best-in-class, full-spectrum weed control to growers.
- Here, Rachel Rama, Head of Small Molecules Research & Development at Bayer, talks more about tomorrow’s weed management solutions.
- Building herbicide-tolerant traits into soybeans gives farmers flexibility and more options for weed control. Today’s most flexible offerings from Bayer are XtendFlex® soybeans, which enable the use of dicamba together with glyphosate and glufosinate for broad-spectrum, over-the-top weed control—even in fields with tough-to-control, resistant weeds.
- In the years to come, our fourth- and fifth-generation traits will deliver even more options for growers.* Our HT4 technology will enable the additional over-the-top use of both HPPD and 2, 4-D herbicides. And HT5 soybeans will introduce tolerance to a broad-spectrum PPO herbicide.
- As we launch these new traits, we’ll be bringing them to market in our latest genetics to give farmers both outstanding yield potential and improved ways to protect it.
In our quest to help farmers be more precise and effective with post-emergence applications throughout the growing season, we’re piloting new ways to use emerging technologies and digital tools like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which promote precision application, enhanced safety, and increased sustainability.
- We strive to be a true partner to our customers from seed to harvest and beyond by bringing farmers new opportunities to improve the profitability and sustainability of their farms. The Bayer Carbon Program is a great example of this, as it not only offers participating growers incentives for verified implementation of carbon-smart farming practices, but also helps them protect their land and soils for the future.
- Another example is CoverCress™, a winter oilseed crop developed by CoverCress, Inc., which when commercialized will combine grain production with the environmental benefits of a cover crop – without displacing other harvests.
Our Intacta 2 Xtend® varieties offer outstanding yield potential, with built-in third-generation insect control and dual herbicide tolerance. Watch Marcio Santos, Brazil Sales Lead at Bayer, explain the exciting potential behind soybeans.
Our third and fourth generations of insect traits offer multiple new modes of action to help soybean growers control devastating pests and fight resistance. We expect these varieties to be stacked with next-generation herbicide tolerance (HT4) as well, giving farmers the top-end weed control flexibility they need along with insect control, all before the end of this decade.
Soybean growers already know Fox® XPro as the leading fungicide in the market, and a new formula has been launched for those battling soybean rust and all major fungal diseases: Fox® Supra*.
The FieldView™ platform helps farmers all over the world make in-field management decisions, including growers in Latin America. Beyond crop management, we’re also seeing how digital tools can enable new business models for the good of the planet, like Bayer PRO Carbono, the largest carbon program in Brazil.
Orbia is the largest digital agriculture marketplace in Brazil, and it’s growing throughout the rest of the region. Together with our partners, Bayer has created an open digital platform with a loyalty program where farmers can search solutions, purchase them, plant in their fields, then harvest and sell their production—all on the platform. The advances in this digital platform ensure farmers have additional ways to access Bayer’s integrated solutions.