To our customers, growers and partners,
As we all know and are experiencing, the world currently faces a serious health crisis with the coronavirus and the disease it causes COVID-19. You, the farmers – big or small in all parts of the globe, play a critical role in providing the world with a stable supply of food, feed, fiber and sometimes fuel. You are essential in keeping a health crisis from turning into so much more.
We fully recognize these are unprecedented times on top of the ongoing pressures from adverse weather conditions, regulatory hurdles and labor shortages to name a few, and many of you are doing what you need to do by getting ready for planting in the Northern Hemisphere or preparing to harvest in the Southern part of the world. Let me assure you that we are absolutely committed to providing the valuable seeds, crop protection and services that you need to help ensure food and feed are produced. For generations, you and your families have counted on Bayer, and for generations, we have counted on you to feed, clothe and fuel our world. It’s been unsettling to see my local supermarket with bare shelves and out of necessities. As I settle into my ‘new normal’ of working from my home office, I know social distancing isn’t anything new for a farmer – something I heard echoed from many of you these last couple of days. Our number one priority is the safety and well-being of our employees, customers, business partners and the communities in which we live and work around the world.
Bayer is working with the global community in supporting measures to prevent further spread of the virus and working closely with health officials around the world. We have taken the following actions:

- We have established a dedicated response team, to monitor the situation and establish any necessary policies and practices to ensure the safety of our employees, partners, and customers.
- We have implemented measures regarding increased hygiene, cleaning and sanitizing our sites and touchpoints. For employees, we have introduced strict safety and social distancing practices. Employees are working from home these days, including our field-based staff, in line with efforts to limit exposure and to help ensure safety and well-being in our shared communities.
- For our operations and product supply sites, we have plans in place to help maintain plant and facility operations in order to provide you with the innovation, products and services you depend on for prosperous and profitable seasons.
- We are partnering with regulatory and governmental authorities as well as associations to ensure fast and safe product movement in support of food security.
- Our marketing & communications teams are leveraging digital channels, so you can remain informed about our products and address your questions.
- Our field sales teams are leveraging all the virtual tools at their disposal and are here to provide you assistance via social media, phone, video, text or email as you head into the field. If you have questions, reach out.
Our employees, in every area of our company, remain committed to putting you, our customer, front and center and providing business continuity as best we can during this unprecedented time in our daily operations. We will continue to keep you informed of any further relevant changes that may come in the weeks to follow. Please continue to reach out to your local Bayer contact with any questions or comments or visit us at www.bayer.com/en/agriculture .
From everyone at Bayer, we will not lose focus on our purpose, Science for a Better Life. In fact, it’s during challenging times, we need this mission now more than ever. We want to thank you for your business each and every day. We are committed to keeping our promise to you and doing our best to support health, nutrition, and safety around the world. For more information on how Bayer is contributing to the global fight against the coronavirus through our products and expertise in health and nutrition, we encourage you to visit www.bayer.com.
Please stay safe and healthy.
Brett Begemann