Supplier Diversity

Bayer Fosters Diversity in Its Supplier Base

several hands stacked onto another

Bayer believes that our personnel and supply base should reflect the diversity of a marketplace that knows no boundaries. Our Supplier Inclusion & Diversity Program showcases our commitment to the economic growth and advancement of underrepresented communities while allowing us to tap into small and diverse businesses that have the potential to strengthen our supply chain, be more responsive, innovative, and remain in tune with the changing tastes and preferences of our consumers.

Program Overview

A disabled man with colleagues in a meeting

The Bayer Supplier Inclusion & Diversity program provides equitable access to procurement opportunities globally. Bayer proactively considers qualified businesses owned by persons who have historically not been granted full participation in business activities. Diverse businesses are those that are majority owned and controlled by women, people with disabilities, LGBT+ people, minorities or members of other disadvantaged communities.

Our Commitment

Video: What is Supplier Inclusion & Diversity?

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion plays an important role in Bayer’s success and in driving innovative supply chain solutions. Sustaining and growing Bayer’s business requires diverse perspectives and the flexibility to collaborate with a variety of people and companies. Increasing our diverse supplier base and sharing our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and access with all suppliers ensures Bayer is improving the social and economic outcomes for underrepresented communities.


Conducting business with diverse suppliers enhances Bayer’s competitive advantage which enables Bayer to provide innovative and cost-effective products to customers. These efforts contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic growth and enable diverse suppliers to grow to meet Bayer’s sourcing needs.

A man in glasses is standing in front of a green wall.
Establishing strategic partnerships with a wider variety of suppliers provides Bayer a clear competitive advantage. When Bayer has more sourcing options and we consider the voices and ideas of more diverse suppliers, the opportunity for business excellence increases. Increasing business with suppliers owned by women, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ people, and those from other underrepresented groups is one example of how Bayer demonstrates its commitment to creating a more inclusive and diverse world.
Thomas Udesen
Chief Procurement Officer at Bayer

Our Partners

The advocacy organizations we partner with allow Bayer to identify diverse suppliers and participate in education, mentoring, and networking opportunities to develop diverse suppliers. These organizations also certify companies as diverse owned. Please find the organizations we work with under the headings below:

  • WEConnect International – global network that connects women-owned businesses in 120+ countries to qualified buyers around the world
  • Disability:IN – leading nonprofit resource for business disability inclusion worldwide
  • NGLCC – largest advocacy organization dedicated to expanding economic opportunities and advancement for LGBT+ people, and the exclusive certifying body for LGBT-owned businesses
  • Integrare – promote and encourage the development of and generating equal business opportunities for entrepreneurs belonging to diverse groups including people with disabilities, Afro-descendants, and indigenous people

Awards and Recognition