Patient Organization

- Health at Bayer
- Treatment Areas
- Innovation & Technologies
- Cell and Gene Therapy
- Patient Access Charter
- Leadership Perspective
- Strengthening Healthcare Access
Empowering Women, Globally
- Boosting Family Planning Usage through Digital Channels
- Capacity building: Addressing Root Causes through Partnerships
- Impact at Scale: The Challenge Initiative
- Promoting Awareness: World Contraception Day (WCD) & the Your Life Campaign
- Providing Accessible and Affordable Contraceptives
- Enabling Family Planning in Humanitarian Settings
- Moving Non-Communicable Diseases Care Forward
- Ensuring a Sustainable Product Supply
- Delivering Better Cancer Care
- Fighting Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Transparency
- News & Stories
- Personal Health
- Report a Side Effect
- Medical Counterfeits
The patient comes first
For Bayer, one of the world's leading specialty pharmaceutical companies, patients' health always comes first. Exchanging ideas and information with patient organizations on the basis of mutual trust is an important component of our work.
Such cooperation helps us to understand the needs of patients as they come to terms with their illness. This enables us to gear our research and development to these needs and to continue working on improved, new drugs and therapies.
Bayer cooperates with patient organizations in all kinds of therapeutic areas. We attach great importance to transparency in this context and protect the independence of our cooperation partners.
Our principles
Cooperation between Bayer and patient organizations is based on the following principles.
- In order to provide patients with quality medical healthcare, a partnership with a patient organization pursues a specific objective concentrating on one or more of the following areas:
- raising awareness for certain diseases by improving diagnostic possibilities and preventive measures, knowing the patients' prospects and needs,
- understanding diseases and making sure that patients receive the best medical treatment available,
- improving the information provided to the patients,
- supporting medical innovations.
- Bayer and the patient organizations comply with international and national laws and regulations.
- Cooperation with a patient organization should neither influence decisions on a therapy nor promote or support specific therapies.
- Bayer respects the neutrality and independence of patient organizations. Cooperation is based on a partnership between equals in which transparency and clarity are fundamental principles. This is why we also provide information on the extent and nature of support.
Overview of cooperation with patient organizations in Europe in 2023
The following is a list of patient organizations with which Bayer and its affiliated companies in Europe cooperated in 2023.
Bayer Company | Bayer AG |
Contract date | 13.10.2023 |
Amount | 1.500 EUR |
Purpose of interaction | Patient POMPE Disease Global Standing Panel |
Bayer Company | Bayer AG |
Contract date | 06.10.2023 |
Amount | 1.000 EUR |
Purpose of interaction | Patient POMPE Disease Global Standing Panel |
Bayer Company | Bayer AG |
Contract date | 15.10.2023 |
Amount | 1.500 EUR |
Purpose of interaction | Patient POMPE Disease Global Standing Panel |
Bayer Company | Bayer AG |
Contract date | 10.05.2023 |
Amount | 0 EUR |
Purpose of interaction | CHECK Initiative (Collaborate for Healthy Kidneys), non financial agreement (non-financial support cannot be assigned to a meaningful monetary value) |
Bayer Company | Bayer AG |
Contract date | 06.06.2023 |
Amount | 500 EUR |
Purpose of interaction | Chronic Kidney Disease in Type 2 Diabetes: Let's talk about CKD |
Bayer Company | Bayer AG |
Contract date | 14.12.2023 |
Amount | 35.000 EUR |
Purpose of interaction | Bayer as roundtable supporter |
Bayer Company | Bayer AG |
Contract date | 14.12.2023 |
Amount | 50.000 EUR |
Purpose of interaction | Bayer as sponsor for European Life After Stroke Forum 2024 |
Bayer Company | Bayer AG |
Contract date | 2023 |
Amount | 7.700 EUR |
Purpose of interaction | Bayer has contracted patients to act as jury members in the Global Patient Engagement Award program (three sessions) |
Bayer Company | Bayer AG |
Contract date | 2023 |
Amount | 6.850 EUR |
Purpose of interaction | Bayer Vital project - Solike demo sessions |
Bayer Company | Bayer AG |
Contract date | 2023 |
Amount | 24.000 EUR |
Purpose of interaction | Consultative and advisory Services |
Bayer Company | BCC AG |
Contract date | 03.02.2023 |
Amount | 54.000 USD |
Purpose of interaction | Annual Sponsorship |
Bayer Company | BCC AG |
Contract date | 2023 |
Amount | 1.130 AED |
Purpose of interaction | Expenses related to the Sponsorship agreement (Accommodation) |
Bayer Company | BCC AG |
Contract date | 2023 |
Amount | 539 CHF |
Purpose of interaction | Expenses related to the Sponsorship agreement (Flight) |
Bayer Company | BCC AG |
Contract date | 2023 |
Amount | 4.729,30 CHF |
Purpose of interaction | Expenses related to the Sponsorship agreement (Accommodation) |
Bayer Company | BCC AG |
Contract date | 2023 |
Amount | 260 AED |
Purpose of interaction | Expenses related to the Sponsorship agreement (Transfer) |
Reports can be received from
UAB Bayer Baltic Republics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
Alina Tikuišiene MD
Zirmunu str. 68A
LT-09124 Vilnius/Lithunia
Reports can be received from
UAB Bayer Baltic Republics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
Alina Tikuišiene MD
Zirmunu str. 68A
LT-09124 Vilnius/Lithunia
Reports can be received from
Bayer AB- Bayer Scandinavia
Iina Wargh
Gustav III:s Boulevard 56
169 26 Solna
Reports can be received from
SC Bayer SRL
Bayer Pharmaceuticals Division
Sos. Pipera nr. 42., Sector 2
NUSCO Tower fl. 1,16,17
020112, Bucharest
Reports can be received from
Bayer Pharma d.o.o.
Jelena Tokanovic
Omladinskih brigada 88b
Reports can be received from
Bayer d.o.o.
Lucija Zlodi Gosnik
Bravnicarjeva 13
1000 Ljubljana