We Help Make Food Systems More Resilient

We support farmers with new ways to improve their productivity, preserve Earth’s limited natural resources and increase food system resilience at country level and across borders in face of rapidly changing climatic conditions, geopolitical tensions, economic volatility, and fragile supply chains.

The future of farming is regenerative.
Today farmers, and particularly those in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), often lack access to the innovation, technology, knowledge and means to keep farming in a rapidly changing environment. This innovation gap in global agriculture translates into unequal access to progress, unequal yields, and unequal opportunities. The gap is a threat to global food & nutrition security and a barrier to our mission at Bayer, Health for all, Hunger for none.
Our scientists are delivering innovations like drought- and heat-tolerant seed varieties, crop protection and biological crop nutrition solutions that will make food production more resilient to extreme weather events.
We are also supporting farmers as novel pests and diseases emerge or shift to new geographic regions due to changing weather, as in the case of Tropical Race 4 fungal disease (TR4) threatening the entire global production of bananas, an important staple crop.
In parallel, we promote and build capacity around sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices so that farmers can not only produce more with less resources, but they can also restore natural resources like soil and water.