Social Responsibility

Bayer considers CSR an important part of its business strategy. Respect for people, the environment and sustainable development is one of Bayer's core values.
More than 300 projects around the world in which Bayer is currently involved also point to the company's socially responsible behavior. Bayer spends more than EUR 50 million each year on these projects. Bayer Corporate Social Responsibility projects focus on education, research, the environment, health, sport and culture.
The proof of Bayer Corporate Social Responsibility in Slovakia is also demonstrated by the Via Bona award in the category of Philanthropy and Corporate Social Responsibility for small and medium-sized enterprises in 2008, Ethical Prize for Transparency and Elimination of Corruption in 2011 and nomination for Via Bona Awards for activities undertaken in 2009 and 2010.
Donation to organizations in 2021
Organization | Purpose | Amount |
Občianske združenie dar Života |
Edukácia pacientov po transplantácii srdca |
1.000,00 € |
Donation to organizations in 2019
Organization |
Purpose |
Amount |
Občianske združenie Ružinovský internistický spolok |
podpora vzdelávania lekárov v oblasti fibrilácie predsiení |
200,00 € |
Akadémia vzdelaného pacienta - Pacientsky hlas, o.z. |
edukácia a osveta v oblasti kardiológie |
5.000,00 € |
Priatelia kliniky vnútorného lekárstva Ružomberok |
finančný príspevok na zakúpenie EKG prístroja |
1.000,00 € |
Slovenská kardiologická spoločnosť |
vzdelávacia mobilná aplikácia pre lekárov |
5.000,00 € |
Slovenská kardiologická spoločnosť |
ESC guidelines |
4.600,00 € |
Občianske združenie X-ray |
vzdelánie lekárov v oblasti vedy a medicíny, Košické dni rádiológie |
500,00 € |
Donation to organizations in 2018
Organization |
Purpose |
Amount |
Slovenská oftalmologická spoločnosť |
edukačný grant pre mladých oftalmológov |
2.000,00 € |
OZ Zrak je život |
edukačný grant, podpora vzdelávania Vedecká pracovná schôdza |
250,00 € |
Slovenské hemofilické združenie |
podpora organizácie |
300,00 € |
Donation to organizations in 2017
Organization |
Purpose |
Amount |
Slovenský zväz sklerozis multiplex |
Podpora aktivít združenia |
500,00 € |
OZ Nádej sklerozis multiplex |
Podpora aktivity Od Tatier k Dunaju |
1.000,00 € |
OZ Oko |
Edukačný grant Škola mikrochirugie oka |
1.500,00 € |
Neinvestičný fond pre záchranu a zlepšenie zradku 3Z |
Edukačný grant |
6.000,00 € |
Občianske združenie Milan Štefánik |
Podpora podujatia Objatie tónov |
Payments to healthcare professionals
Bayer strives to promote transparency in its financial relations with healthcare professionals. Bayer believes this attitude will help build confidence in the innovative pharmaceutical industry.
Disclosure of Transparent Data
In accordance with the EFPIA Transparency Code, Bayer discloses payments and other benefits to healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations related to the development and commercialization of prescription drugs.
Data for Slovak Republic can be found here:
SK EFPIA DC report (15.5.2020)
SK EFPIA DC report (30.6.2019)
SK EFPIA DC report (27.6.2018)
SK EFPIA DC report (15.6.2017)
SK EFPIA DC report (14.6.2016)
Please see more information regarding transfers of value in favor of doctors, transparent data and disclosure of them and EFPIA Disclosure Code here.