Bayer in Slovakia

Overview and Contacts

Bayer, spol. s r.o.


Twin City, blok A
Karadžičova 2
811 09 Bratislava



Tel.: +421 2 592 13 321

Company No. /IČO/: 35759143
Tax No./DIČ/: 2020253818
VAT No./DPH/: SK2020253818


Account No.:

Banka: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main

IBAN: DE49375400500441751500
account No.: 441751500
bank code: 37540050

Mestský súd Bratislava III., Obchodný register,
Oddiel: Sro, Vložkačíslo: 18413/B


Contact with administration/Kontakt na recepciu:


+421 2 592 13 321


Reporting of an adverse drug reaction / Hlásenie nežiadúceho účinku lieku:

Bayer, spol. s r.o.
Oddelenie farmakovigilancie
Twin City, blok A, Karadžičova 2, 811 09 Bratislava
Tel: +421 2 592 13 321


Spontaneous reporting form of suspected adverse drug reaction / Hlásenie podozrenia na nežiaduci účinok lieku


If any of the above-mentioned contacts are used for reporting adverse reactions, I take note of the related Privacy Statement for Pharmacovigilance./ V prípade využitia niektorého z vyššie uvedených kontaktov pre hlásenia nežiaducich účinkov beriem na vedomie súvisiace Vyhlásenie o ochrane osobných údajov pre farmakovigilanciu.

Reporting of a falsification or suspected drug defect: 
Tel: +421 2 592 13 321


If you use any of the above contacts to report a suspected quality defect, a complaint about use or a suspected counterfeit, you take note of the Declaration on the processing of personal data for quality assurance.


Please fill out the appropriate fields. Items marked (*) are required.

Bayer respects your right to privacy while using these websites. We take the protection of personal data very seriously and will only collect, process, and use any personal data that you provide using the contact details above in accordance with our data privacy statement.


If you have any questions regarding the protection of personal data or if you wish to exercise your rights, please contact Bayer, spol. s r.o. Data Privacy Manager, Karadzicova 2, 811 09 Bratislava - mestska cast Stare Mesto, or send us an e-mail to