
Nativo® 75 WG

Nativo® is white systemic, protective, preventive, curative and eradicative fungicide in water-dispersible granule to control diseases on orchid, apple, shallot, chilli, corn, orange, mung bean, peanut, string bean, cacao, rubber, soybean, coffee, chrysanthemum, mango, melon, cucumber, rice, palm seedling, banana, watermelon, tea, tobacco, and tomato.

Active ingredients

: Trifloxystrobin 25%

Tebuconazole 50%

Registration number

: RI. 01020120072781

Form of Formulation

: Dispersible tablets/easily dissolved

Formulation color

: White


: Mesostemic. Hindering cell reparation

Systemic. Hindering steril biosynthesis

Long-lasting effective. Management



: Slightly hazardous


Disease spectrum

: 12.5 gr and 50 gr

: Purple blotch, withering, Rice Blast, Leaf

Spots, Dry Spots, Colletotrichum

Antrachnose, Uromyces vignae, Powdery

Mildew, Kudis Elsinoe fawcetti, Sigatoka

Mycosphaerella musicola, Blast, Late Blight,

Brown Spots, False Smut, Wood Decay,

Bulb Rot, Plum Pox, Damping-off