Transfers of Value to Healthcare Professionals
Supporting Healthcare Professionals (Transfers of Value)

PT Bayer Indonesia follows government regulations relating the control of gratuities for Healthcare Professionals, including but not limited to the stated below: Ministry of Health Regulation No. 58 Year 2016 - Sponsorship to Healthcare Professionals.
The regulation states that all transfer of values given to Healthcare Professionals and/or Healthcare Organizations which are including e.g. sponsorship, event registration fees, accommodation and travel tickets, as well as honoraria given to individual Healthcare Professionals shall be submitted periodically in monthly basis to the Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (Anti Corruption Watch) and Ministry of Health.

Collaborative Research Achieving Positive Patient Outcomes
The ongoing collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and HCPs has delivered numerous innovative medicines and changed the way many diseases impact patients’ lives. This has been achieved through Bayer’s continued commitment to sponsoring clinical trials and real life evidence, supporting the development and understanding of new treatments for management of disease.
Bayer Indonesia is dedicated to working closely with HCPs to support their continuous education to assist in keeping them informed of the latest advances in medicines. This is key to achieving better patient outcomes.