Self-Care Program

In 2017, Bayer Global announced its partnership with the White Ribbons Alliance (WRA) for a 2-year partnership for The Self-Care Program for All Women and Children. The program aims to educate 1,200 women in 91 communities in developing countries which include Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, and Bolivia.
In Indonesia, Bayer partners with White Ribbon Alliance with a focus in helping to reduce Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) due to childbirth, and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). This undertaking is a response towards an alarming increase of both mortalities in Indonesia while the global number decreases.
Bayer supported a study on MMR in Sragen, Central Java where the rate is relatively high. As a follow up, Bayer in collaboration with other stakeholders will conduct activities to increase awareness and participation of the communities to decrease the significant maternity and infant mortalities rate, especially within this region. These activities include educating pregnant women on self-care to better understand risks and their conducting regular check-up on their pregnancy, increasing support from their husband and midwives, as well as education for girls.