
We want to continuously review and improve the service we offer you, which is why your opinion is important to us. Please let us know what you think about our website, products, business units and anything else related to Bayer. We are looking forward to receiving your comments and suggestions.
Thank you for your efforts!
For further information, please contact:
Bayer Austria GesmbH
Tel.: +43-1-711 46-0
People react differently to medicines and the active substances they contain. This is why it is impossible to identify all the potential side effects of a product while it is under development, even in the most comprehensive clinical trials. However, it is of the utmost importance for patient and drug safety (pharmacovigilance) to record side effects of all kinds, no matter how often they may occur in absolute figures.
Patient and drug safety is eminently important for Bayer as a globally operating pharmaceutical company and goes well beyond mere compliance with global regulations and requirements. No matter whether you are a customer, a patient or a healthcare professional, your support is vital in ensuring Bayer can provide up-to-date information about the safety of its products.
If you wish to report a side effect, please contact your doctor, pharmacist or the Austrian Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG), or send an email to You can also use our electronic reporting system.
If you wish to report a quality problem, please contact your doctor, pharmacist or the Austrian Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) or send an email to
We will handle all data you submit in full accordance with all the relevant laws and regulations. If you would like more detailed information, please see here.
Do you have another medical question relating to Bayer products? If so, you can contact the Medical Information Team by emailing
We will handle all data you submit in full accordance with all the relevant laws and regulations. If you would like more detailed information, please see here.
For your data protection concerns, please write to For whistleblowing reports, please contact us via go/speakup or Further information on the whistleblowing process can be found here.
If you have specific queries about the Pharmaceutical or Consumer Health divisions, please email
If you have any questions relating to our Crop Science division, please email
In accordance with our corporate purpose "Science for a better life" and our vision "Health for all, hunger for none", Bayer assumes responsibility worldwide for social needs. Group-wide donation allocation and management policies ensure that charitable donations and grants are deployed in a targeted and appropriate way and correspond with our strategic alignment on science and health/nutrition.
Donations can be given to NGOs, universities, schools, social entrepreneurs whose projects contribute to solutions to challenges related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to our focus areas of science, health, or nutrition. Contributions in general can only be made to recipients with registered non-profit status and have the ability to issue a tax-acknowledgeable receipt.
Donation requests can only be submitted in English here:
Bayer Austria Ges.m.b.H.
Am Europlatz 1
1120 Wien
Tel.: +43/1/71146-0