Contact information

Bayer SA-NV | Bayer CropScience SA-NV
Kouterveldstraat 7A 301
1831 Diegem
Tel: +32-2-535.63.11
General conditions of sale Bayer SA-NV
General conditions of sale Bayer CropScience SA-NV

Bayer Agriculture BV
Haven 627
Scheldelaan 460
2040 Antwerp
Tel: +32-3-568-51.11
The production site in Antwerp was set up in 1966. Since then, crop protection products have been produced for the European market.

EU Liaison Office
Belliardstraat 40 rue Belliard
1000 Brussels
Tel: +32-2-550.21.00
Bayer has two offices which handle relations with the European regulatory authorities: one in Brussels and one in Diegem.
Reporting a side effect or quality complaint
If you want to report a side effect or quality complaint, please contact your health care professional (e.g. physician or pharmacist) or your local Health Authority.
Side effects can also be reported to Bayer via
Quality complaints can be sent to the following e-mail address:
Animal Health Business
Bayer has sold its Animal Health business to Elanco and all responsibilities with respect to the Animal Health products are now taken care of by Elanco. In case you require information on an Animal Health product or if you want to report an adverse event related to an Animal Health product, please contact your local Elanco representation.