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We’re proud of our work in the community to help to preserve biodiversity and enhance habitats for honey bees, monarch butterflies, and all species.
Our Programs & Partners
Bayer is collaborating with conservation groups, academic experts, farmers and government agencies across North America to enhance habitat for honey bees, monarch butterfly and other pollinators by finding meaningful and proactive ways to help all pollinators thrive. Through these partnerships, Bayer can have a larger impact with on-the-ground habitat projects and more efficiently move the conservation needle.
Helping pollinators – like honey bees and monarch butterflies – has other benefits too as good pollinator habitat can have broad conservation and land stewardship benefits including supporting multiple other insects, birds, and mammals while improving soil structure, water infiltration, and decreasing field run-off to local water bodies.
Learn more about how Bayer and our partners are achieving more with an “All-Hands-on-Deck” approach to conservation!

What: Provide pollinator seed and habitat establishment support free or at reduced cost to landowners with >2 acres of need and located in the Upper Midwest.
Our Commitment: Since 2017, $1,000,000
Accomplishment*: Projects: 457; Acres of habitat established: 4,400; Milkweed seeds planted: 17M

What: Wildflower seeds distributed, habitat establishment, and consumer awareness campaign.
Our Commitment: $12M from 2015 to 2021
Accomplishment: >3.5 billion pollinator seeds distributed. Habitat projects planted in all 50 states.

What: Development of app to give farmers, ranchers, landowners and private citizens an easy-to-use tool to record data about their habitat conservation efforts.
Our Commitment: $100K
Accomplishment: Documented 738 additional acres of pollinator habitat including 27,330 milkweed stems.

What: We’re a member of the Honey Bee Health Coalition. It brings together beekeepers, growers, researchers, government agencies, agribusinesses, conservation groups, manufacturers, and consumer brands to improve the health of honey bees.
Our Commitment: >$940,000 since 2013
Accomplishment*: Driving honey bee health through initiatives around four main pillars: Hive Management, Habitat & Nutrition, Crop Pest Management, and the Bee Integrated Demonstration Network.

What: Scientific studies of best vegetation management practices to improve pollinator and wildlife habitat on rights-of-way and natural areas.
Our Commitment: >$600,000 since 2015
Accomplishment: Over 30 case study sites on rights-of-way, golf courses, farms and rangeland in partnerships with landowners used for educational outreach and training

What: Industry-wide collaboration to ensure consistent messaging and provide resources to the agricultural community regarding monarch recovery efforts & habitat creation.
Our Commitment: >$290,000 since 2015
Accomplishment*: Farmers For Monarchs website, social media and communication strategy launched targeted for farmers, ranchers and landowners.

What: Launched California Working Lands Free Seed Program to provide technical assistance, milkweed plugs, and a regionally specialized seed mix for private working lands in California’s Central Valley.
Our Commitment: $80k since 2021
Accomplishment: 125 acres of restored and 440 acres of enhanced pollinator habitat in the first two years of the program.

What: Production of milkweed plugs provided to school/education project and restoration projects through an application process.
Our Commitment: >$1,260,000 since 2015
Accomplishment: >600K milkweed plugs produced and distributed.

What: Dedicated to sustaining, restoring and enhancing the nation’s fish, wildlife, plants and habitats for current and future generations.
Our Commitment: $5.6M since 2015
Accomplishment*: Total Projects: 123; Acres restored or enhanced: 352,800; Pounds of milkweed seeds collected: 3,000 Native milkweed seedlings propagated: 1.1M; Workshops or meetings hosted: 1,600

What: Establishment of habitat at over 70 Bayer research and manufacturing sites along with upland and pollinator habitat established through habitat education programs.
Our Commitment: $750,000 since 2015
Accomplishment*: >1,000 acres of habitat on Bayer sites; Habitat Education Programs - 533 projects, >800 acres, >9k milkweed plugs planted (Stems assumed at 72 containers per kit)
What: Bayer is working with partners on a project funded by the NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) in Missouri that will highlight the interdependence of agriculture and conservation by providing cost-sharing opportunities for producers to use precision data to establish field boarders, streambank buffers or pollinator habitat on their farms.
Our Commitment: $50,000 since 2022
Accomplishment*: Held first sign up period during summer 2022 and habitat plantings on approved contracts will start in 2023.

What: Planting of cover crops to increase the density, diversity, and duration of bee forage in California orchards, farms, and vineyards, while improving soil health.
Our Commitment: $900,000 since 2015
Accomplishment*: Participants: 1,470; Cover Crop Acres; Established: 63,000

What: Our work with the Wildlife Habitat Council supports our conservation commitment on our corporate lands. Partnering with WHC, Bayer provides employee education, training, and awareness around our collective conservation activities across our sites.
Accomplishment: Currently, within the WHC program, Bayer has 39 total certified sites. Eight of which have completed additional conservation activities and have accomplished silver or gold level certifications.
*Bayer is one of several partners contributing to these accomplishments.